Friday, December 17, 2010

الين لحود تتعرض للسقوط خلال تحضيرات الميلاد

اكدت الفنانة الين لحود انها سقطت من على السلم خلال انزالها الزينة الخاصة بعيد الميلاد.

وكشفت الين عن قيامها ببطولة Telefilm تحت عنوان "ندم" وهو قصة حقيقية من سيناريو جبران ضاهر واخراج رندلى قديح، مشيرة الى ان ما جذبها هو انها قصة حقيقية جرت في لبنان عن صبية تتزوج اثر معاناتها من ظروف في منزلها لتقع في ظروف أسوا منها مع زوجها.

واشارت في حديث لبرنامج "حديث البلد" الى اصدارها اغنية قريبة وهي "صرعة" من كل النواحي وستحاول كسر التقاليد فيها وتحاول ابراز شخصيتها الحقيقية فيها.

ولدى سؤالها ان كانت تمتلك سفينة واتى الطوفان فمن تخلص، قالت لحود انها تختار والدها كشخص، الحصان كحيوان تخلصه، الانجيل ككتاب. 

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Aline Lahoud tackles new acting challenges


Interview by Nohad Topalian in Beirut
Aline's role in "Innaha Tahtal Thakirati"
has challenged her acting abilities.

Not only can young artist Aline Lahoud sing in several different languages, she has also proven herself as an actress.
A large audience is following her in the series "Innaha Tahtal Thakirati" in which she stars alongside the actor Ammar Chalak on Future Television. The series is written by Iraqi writer Saad Hidabi.
She is also preparing to play the role of her late mother, Salwa Katrib, in the play entitled "Bint al-Jabal".
Aline talked to Mawtani about her acting career.

Mawtani: Tell us about your shift from playing secondary to leading roles.
In the series "Innaha Tahtal Thakirati", the viewer is watching me in action in my first leading role. I previously filmed a production called "Uyoun al-Amal" along with the actor Issam Breidy, but it has not aired yet. It was written by Nadim Badour and directed by George Ghayad.

Mawtani: How have you benefited from your role in "Innaha Tahtal Thakirati"?
The acting in this series represents a challenge for me and my acting abilities. The role I perform is the role of a complex, complicated and tiring personality. The character is lost in herself and her surroundings. As a result, the role was a good and beautiful experience because it opened the way for me to challenge my personal abilities.

Mawtani: Iraqi writer Saad Hidabi wrote the series. Was it difficult for you to do an Iraqi series?
There was no risk from the beginning because the Iraqi dialect was turned into the Lebanese dialect. And what was written by Mr. Hidabi is a story that could happen anywhere.

Mawtani: You had some criticism about the series.
That is true. My criticism was concerning the directing and not the acting. I have many objections related to the manner of execution, photography, lighting and direction. The execution happened to be very weak. The viewer sensed this and it was brought to my attention.

Mawtani: Had you known about these things beforehand would you still have accepted a role in the series?
I would have reconsidered. The series brought together many big names including Ammar Chalak, Samir Shamas, Nahla Daoud, Issam al-Jurdi and others. How could one abandon such work with these names?
The fault lies with the production company. They started with a large technical team and continued shooting with a team with no greater than five people. We, as actors, could not comprehend this matter, but because we respect our word, we continued working.

Mawtani: Tell us about the remake of the play "Bint Al-Jabal", in which your late mother Salwa Katrib once played the leading role.
My uncle Romeo talked about it, but he has not set a date to present it.

Mawtani: What does playing a role that was previously performed by your mother mean to you?
It is very risky, but it is very dear to my heart. I consider remaking the play a kind of a tribute to the spirit of my mother.